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Asbestos Workers

Two Day Asbestos Awareness Course

United Environmental Consulting offers Two Day Asbestos Awareness courses. This course outlines all necessary knowledge, skills, and procedures to properly abate.

UEC asbestos and mould testing and consulting

Has over 18 combined years of experience working within the asbestos and mould consulting industry.

United Environmental Consulting Inc. is an asbestos and mould testing, training and consulting firm providing services to both commercial and residential properties. Based out of Saskatoon and Regina, UEC serves the entire province of Saskatchewan as well as Northeast and Central Alberta.

Worker Carrying Asbestos Board


United Environmental Consulting Inc. offers a variety of services in regard to asbestos and mould testing and consulting. See below for a detailed list of services offered.

Contact Us

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Regina Branch

Desmond Slack


Saskatoon Branch

Jacob Laxdal

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